Thank you for your service that day, Harry. And even more for your continued dedication to keeping the true memory of that horrific day alive. All who are trying to rewrite history should be silenced by the truth tellers—including those of us who were riveted to events as they unfolded on national television. We saw your pain and will never believe otherwise. Power to the People.

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Nicely said Katherine, thank you for verbalizing what I could not!

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I will never forget the day the Capital Police (including yourself) fought to save our democracy! Your bravery and dedication to our nation is appreciated more than you’ll ever know!

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Thank you for your courage to speak out and to serve our country.

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Unimaginable that tRump has avoided any consequences. Thank you for everything you did then and for continuing to speak loudly about J621.

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All day today, the news should be showing what happened that day to remind all the people who aren’t believers. Thank you for all you’ve done.

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I will never forget that day. Thank you for your courage and support in helping fight for our country and freedom. We honor you today❤️

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I will never forget you and your courage

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Harry, thank you for your courage. Then and now!

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Harry, please lead the formation of a 1/6 museum that tells and shows the truth about it. It must include hands on buttons where people hear Lindsay Graham say opposite “truths” so we can teach further generations about truth. We need it in DC and in Biden’s library.

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That is a great idea.

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How do we make it happen?

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We will never forget watching this unbelievable carnage unwind on our TVs and computers. To think that Trump caused this and half the country believed his stupidity and outright lies, along with most of the GOP politicians in office is beyond comprehension. Thank you Officer Dunn for your courage to speak out. Shame on the traitors who caused this tragedy.

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The tragic thing is that the Republican politicians knew all along that Trump's claims were lies. They knew it then, they've known it for 4 years, and they know it now. And that just doesn't matter to them.

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Yes! That’s what makes this entire debacle even worse is that the SC actually gave Trump the gift of immunity and the Republican politicians who also took oaths of office violated the principles of Democracy but also to their constituents. It’s truly heartbreaking that our country has done a complete turnaround on everything that we stand for, including basic principles of decency and integrity.

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Exactly. Where is the accountability? Are we a country of laws or not? Does an oath of office mean absolutely nothing? Why do even have the Constitution? Is that just a dusty piece of paper? Who gets to make the rules when the rules don't matter any more? Apparently the people with the most money. All we're left with is an authoritarian regime funded by oligarchs. And we just roll out the red carpet for them?

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Thank you Harry for your dedication to our nation. I’m am emboldened and proud by your commitment to the TRUTH. If we all raised our voices and said these Truths we could keep the it alive and possibly change peoples perspective of what actually happened that day. We can prevail if we raised the flag of Truths. Power to the People. I will keep Hope alive in my heart and maybe touch someone else’s with the Truth. God bless us all.

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Thank you for your courageous determination! Never stop fighting! We are with you all the way!!!

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I gave money to your campaign. I’m heartbroken that you lost and evil Trump won.

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Jan 6Edited

From the bottom of my heart ❤️ I thank you profusely for your tremendous courage and determination to save our Democracy. You are a true Hero, and your example will inspire generations to come. We will never forget 🙏🏻

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Thank you for all you've done, you are appreciated and should be honored

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Thank you Harry! Thank you and your fellow officers for your courage and selfless sacrifice, you are a great speaker for your cause and for me, Dianna. Thank you! Please hang in and take care!!!

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Yes! And everyone should read and share The NY Times piece by Officer Aquilino Gonell as well. Never forget!!!

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