I fought after January 6th. I will fight after November 5th.
We cannot give up in this fight to protect our democracy.
For most of my life, I've tried to be solutions oriented. Tell me about your problems, what bothers you, tell me why you don't have peace, and in that same breath, tell me how you plan on fixing or solving it.
It has not been just two weeks since the 2024 election. I equate the aftermath of this election to the aftermath of what happened on January 6, 2021. I remember returning to the Capitol Building and seeing destruction. We fought so hard to defend that building, but we could only do so much.
I've been angry for close to 4 years because of what happened on January 6th but I was ok with being angry because I used that anger to speak out and become sort of a poster child for everyone who hated what happened that day.
I used that anger to testify before CONGRESS, to do countless media interviews, I used that anger to drive me to QUIT my secure job of over 15 years in the government, I used that anger that passion to fuel an unsuccessful run for Congress.
I then turned that anger into becoming one of Joe Biden’s, then Kamala Harris' biggest supporters and surrogates. All in part to do whatever I could do to stop Donald Trump and get just the slightest bit of justice for what he did to this country, for what he did to my coworkers, for what he did to me. I take shit personally and I do not forget or forgive, especially when said person fails to acknowledge any wrongdoing.
So after two weeks or so of him becoming president elect, I sit here and I sit here and I sit here, full of anger... but with no clear path, no defined objective, just a crushed spirit and a hate filled heart. I acknowledge this is a dangerous place to REMAIN IN, (notice I didn't say it's a dangerous place to be in, we have to allow ourselves to feel our true feelings and to somehow work OUT OF THEM) but I have to keep going. The question is where, what, how? What should I do? Where do I take this fight next? How do I stand strong for hundreds of thousands of people who put faith and confidence in me?
I don't know. I'll allow myself to wallow in my sorrows and then I'll wipe my tears, pick myself up and I vow to fight until I can no longer. And, I hope you will be there right there with me to continue this fight. It is too important to sit out. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber to support this fight.
You have a lot of company. That alone tells me we’re not done.
Don’t give up. Run for Congress again. We can get you elected somehow. This country needs you.